
WordWeb 最好的免费是英文字典

WordWeb 是一个免费的windows下英文字典和词库,安装方便(仅7。4M)。使用简单,能进行离线和在线单词查找。


请登陆wordweb主页http://wordweb.info/free/ 下载。

3 条评论:

Unknown 说...

This is the dictionary I'm using at work. At home I use Babylon, because I have a license of it :)

Babylon is not free. The feature is:
1, TTS. It can read the word.
2, Open dictionary. There are thousands of dictionaries available. Jargon file and Australia Slang are my favorite. Also, The JavaDoc can help programing too.
3, It has Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. WordWeb is only for E-E. :)

Babylon doesn't have Linux version. So in my Linux box, I am using FreeDict.

小蚂蚁 说...

我在公司也用WordWeb, 查中文有时就直接google了。 在家里有金山词霸。Babylon没用过。 看上去挺不错的。PDA上用过几个词典, 名字倒是忘了。

匿名 说...

WΟW juѕt whаt I wаs looking
for. Came here by searchіng for hannah montana

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