今天收到孩子学校的一个通知, 关于一个男人坐在一辆银色的小车里,用糖果引诱小孩上车说可以送回家。 学校已经把情况报告了警察局, 并已经提醒了小朋友,要求家长也同样教育小朋友, 防止意外发生。 以下是学校的建议,挺好的。
1. Walk with others and use the buddy system. You are an easier target when alone.
2. If someone in a car should stop and ask for help or direction, do not go near the car.
3. Stay an arm’s reach or more away from strangers.
4. If someone is following you on foot or in a car, go to a place where others are. Do not try to hide.
5. No one should ask you to look for a lost item. If a stranger asks you to help them look for something, run to a safe place.
6. Never go in a car with someone that you do not know.
7. If someone does try t take you --- yell and scream “This is not my parent” and make a lot of noise.
8. Never take anything from strangers.
9. Never go anywhere with someone you do not know.
可能大家听说国内拐卖小孩的事多了,以为在加拿大比较安全。 大家千万不要掉以轻心。 看看Superstore门口的寻人广告就知道了。Calgary近来各种重大案件层出不穷。大家要小心, 同时也要教育好自己的孩子,以防不幸事情发生。
Take Care!